Tuesday, September 15, 2020


Sometimes, having 10 years of teaching experience doesn't guarantee that you have good analytical skills. Such a lackadaisical write-up for a so-called deft language educator to under-rate teachers. 

As a linguist and polyglot myself, learning languages has a set of its own pulling and pushing factors. Guts, teachers, creative contents, intensive practice + exposure, surroundings, and the list goes on, all these play important role to ensure holistically successful mastery of a foreign language.

On the other note, the teachers are burdened with unnecessary clerical commitments that deviate them from their core business which is to teach. A big chunk of their time outside classes that should be allocated for preparing proper lesson plans, unfortunately, are sacrificed involuntarily to whip other things up irrelevant to their teaching forte. 

Coming from an underprivileged family, I didn't get proper English exposure then. Nonetheless, it was my teachers who motivated me to improve my language proficiency up to this point despite all the hurdles they went through. And grateful is the most understated word to describe how I cherish them for their endless effort. 

Therefore, never put the blame solely on the teachers. They are also struggling.

P/s: How about prioritizing Malay as our first language? Isn't that more crucial?

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